Investing in Skills Scheme

The Scheme was launched to promote the training of persons actively participating in the Maltese Labour Market, with the aim to increase productivity and enhance adaptability.

Investing in Skills is a scheme co-financed by the European Social Fund+ (ESF+), the Maltese Government and the Employers and falls under Malta’s Operational Programme ‘Fostering the socioeconomic wellbeing of society through the creation of opportunities for all and investment in human resources and skills’ for the 2021-2027 Programming Period.

Investing in Skills 2021 – 2027 1st Call

A new Investing in Skills Scheme was launched on the 18th September 2023 for training that will commence on the 25th September 2023 onwards.

Applications can be submitted from the 18th September 2023 directly through the Jobsplus IIS website.

Funds available under this call have a total budget of approximately €4 million. The scheme is demand driven and grants will be provided on a first-come first-served basis.


Application IIS